Operation Analysis of High Voltage Asynchronous Motors in Chongqing Power Plant 重庆发电厂高压异步电动机运行分析
Test and Operation Analysis on Charging and Discharging of Stationary Valve-regulated Lead-acid Battery Group 固定型阀控式铅酸蓄电池组充放电试验与运行分析
Operation Analysis and Improvement Measures of Residue Catalytic Cracking Unit 催化裂化装置操作核算分析及改进措施
Abnormal Operation Analysis and Treatment of Generator Stator Water Cooling System 发电机定冷水系统运行异常现象分析及处理
A Ground-Source Heat Pump Air-conditioned Office Building in Jingzhong: Design and Operation Analysis 晋中某办公楼地源热泵空调设计及运行分析
Operation analysis of cooling system of 8# blast furnace of Xuan Steel and production practice 宣钢8高炉冷却系统运行状况分析与生产实践
Operation analysis of axle temperature alarm device and running gear monitoring device 轴温报警及走行部监测装置的运用分析
Operation Analysis of Homemade Capacitor in Zhengping Converter Station 政平换流站国产电容器运行情况分析
Operation Analysis of Electric Power Industry in the First Quarter 2001; 2001年第一季度电力工业运行分析(英文)
Construction and Operation Analysis of Overhead Transmission Line On-line Monitoring System 架空线路在线监测系统建设及运行分析
Formulate department cost report, relevant cost and operation analysis; 编制成本报表及相关成本及运营分析;
The Operation Analysis of Urban-rural Integration Medical Assistance in Taicang, Jiangsu Province 江苏省太仓市城乡一体化医疗救助运行分析
Operation analysis record book is not filled according to the existing regulations. 运行分析记录簿未按实际制度执行。
The Colligation Application Platform of Statistical Operation Analysis and Design 统计业务综合应用平台的分析与设计
Operation Analysis of Peak Gas Supply in Winter of 2007 in Xi'an City 西安市2007年冬季高峰供气运行分析
Operation analysis and evaluation of composite insulators of transmission lines in Shanghai 上海地区输电线路合成绝缘子运行分析与评估
Operation Analysis of Wind Turbine under the Power System Fault 系统故障条件下风力发电机组的运行分析
Design and research on the loop closing operation analysis system medium voltage in radial distribution network 辐射型中压配电网合环分析系统的设计与研究
East China electricity market operation will take great influence to power grid's safety production and economic profit, it is very important and realistic significant to do operation analysis of electricity market well. 摘要华东电力市场运营将对电网公司的安全生产和经济效益产生重大影响,做好电力市场运营分析工作具有非常重要的作用和现实意义。
Economical operation analysis of more sets parallel operation of the two-winding transformer with the same capacity 多台同容量双绕组变压器经济运行分析
Particle Swarm Optimization Based Economic Operation Analysis of Microgrid Containing Multi Energy Supply System 基于粒子群优化算法的含多种供能系统的微网经济运行分析
Research on Building Smart Grid Dispatching Operation Analysis System Using Data Mining 运用数据挖掘构建智能电网调度运行分析系统的研究
The Application of ETL Technology in Operation Analysis System ETL技术在电信经营分析项目中的应用
The Purchase Operation Analysis in the Mode of Supply Chain Management for FAW-VW 一汽&大众供应链管理模式下采购运作分析
Operation Analysis of Inverted Current Transformer and Suggestion to Improve Operational Safety 倒置式电流互感器运行状况分析及提高安全运行性能的建议
Operation Analysis of Low Resistance Grounding System for Beijing Power Grid 北京电网10kV低电阻接地系统运行分析
Wide-area Damping Control System in China Southern Power Grid and Its Operation Analysis 南方电网广域阻尼控制系统及其运行分析
Operation Analysis and Establishment of Goaf Treatment Scheme 银山矿业井下采空区治理方案的制定与实施情况分析
Operation Analysis and Optimization Suggestions for Flue Gas Desulfurization Devices of Thermal Generating Units 火电机组烟气脱硫装置运行分析及优化建议